More and more People are wondering how to retire happy.
Well, simply put, ones happiness is not the same as anothers.
Happiness is a mindset. How you think will determine your
With the economy the way it is and most people making
a living as an employee, people are working later into their potential
retirement years.
One thing people are blinded to is that there are
statistics that you can find on the Social Security website that states
that most people by the age of 65 will be either dead or broke.
With news like that, how can people even begin to think about retiring,
let alone retiring happy. 401K’s are gone and so are most pensions.
What was a 401K is now a 101B, meaning its lost 50+% of its value do to the
downturn in our financial markets.
2% of the population creates 98% of the wealth. Is it that the 2% are lucky? Nope. They just choose to do what theother 98% didn’t know was available or were just to comfortable with theircurrent situation.
Folks, I feel your pain.
I am 36 years old and worked in the hotel and restaurant
business for over 18 years.
I worked my way up to a general manager position in the
hotel industry making what I thought was good money.
About 5 years ago, that all changed when I met a group of
entrepreneurs that had retired with multiple six figure incomes in their late
20’s. They owned their lives and had both time and money.
Now that is how to retire happy.
Its called residual ongoing income. I got started very part time working in the Network Marketing industry with a very well know company that had been around for 50 years.
I followed a game plan and started making some money, however the attrition rate was
horrendous and I knew there was a better way out there.
That’s when I found a guy by the name of Mike Dillard.
I watched him go from waiting tables to a seven figure income in
less than 5 years. Was he the secret? Nope. He was an internet marketer.
I was trying to find people to duplicate my efforts in the public market place. Its tough.
Mike leveraged the internet to have qualified people coming to
him as he became an expert in the field of internet marketing.
I bought his system and learned a bunch. Well fast forward a few years. My life changed forever
when I found Carbon Copy Pro. Jay Kubasseck created the most powerful online marketing
system in the world. A system that anyone could follow if they had a computer and a desire to learn.
Cha-Ching. My life has never been the same since I joined Carbon Copy Pro and now I am living The life of my dreams.
If I told you how much money I was making your wouldn’t believe me.
That is how to retire happy. Well, if you have been listening, I just gave you the secret. There is none.
To your success,
Joshua Boxer
Live The Dream Marketing Group
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